Totally NFR beautiful black swan. For those who are interested...


Well-known member
Our gorgeous, friendly, funny black swan...Blackie, was dead this morning on the patio. She has been laying eggs and just had her last egg over night. She hasn't been sick, has been eating well and has been very talkative. There weren't any signs on her body so we have no idea what happened to her. Needless to say, we are devastated. Our Misplaced here is going to be toll painting her eggs so at least we will have something beautiful to remember her with other than our memories. That means a lot to me. This is not a good day. I just wanted to share.

Oh how sad that is. Maybe she was just getting on in years. She certainly lived a fun

life thanks to you.

I'm not even sure if I should say this...sometimes I think I am freaky. But 1/2 hour ago, I thought of writing to you to ask about her.

I am so, so sorry Orchid.

A loss like that is so unexpected and can rock one's world. There seems to be no explanation.
Take care.

What terrible news. I use her photo as a desktop often, Orchid- I am a bird lover myself

We lost two beloved pets over the years ourselves to mysterious circumstances. My dear Mable the chicken died suddenly one night and a beloved parrot died another year. Both devestating to us- it is horrible to lose a "family member". I am so sorry for you, Orchid. Really, really sorry.

I am so sorry for you! I know how much pleasure she brought you. You are fortunate to

not only have the fun memories, but the pictures as well as the eggs....

Thoughts are with you....


Orchid, my heart goes out to you. We have had beloved birds that ...

came to live with us, and it broke my heart to find them hurt or dead. Can't see too well through the tears right now, Barbaro yesterday and Blackie today. Take care.

oh (((Orchid))) there really are no words for such a sudden loss. I know how

much she meant to you and you to her. it may take awhile but you'll just remember all the joy she brought in her trust in you and her beauty.

have you considered calling Fish & Wildlife? they might do an autopsy to find out what happened to her.

big HUGS to you and yours

Oh Orchid, I'm so sorry for your loss. May all your

fond memories with her bring you comfort. Big hugs to you.

(((orchid))) was wondering with spring around the corner,what was happening with her?So sorry

I'm so sorry Orchid. This seems to happen to my birds now and then too...they just

keel over. In your case having a wild one grace you with her presence and love is a memory that you will never let go.
Big hugs

So sorry, Orchid! I hope you find comfort in the memories and in the love from your friends here.

Thank you for sharing her with us.
