Update: Lost chances

Glennis, I'd be happy to connect you with the SOS folks. They've recently

narrowed their focus and have been going through some transition. Perhaps you could reach out to someone working on your local level?

My friend Kathy is very interested in kids and food and is currently working as a literacy coach for teachers in the Seattle area. Kids & food is her next goal. I'd be happy to introduce you two as well. She's plugged in nationally.

Have you seen this video on TED.com with Anne Cooper and the school lunch programs? http://blog.ted.com/2009/09/renegade_lunch_1.php

Great minds etc etc....

I have that bread book on my wish list - as if I need yet another bread book smileys/smile.gif

but I know I'll be getting it sometime next year (just a few days to go)

thanks for the tip on the photo site, will look into it for sure!
