Warning: Totally NFR and not for the faint of heart!

Oh yes, Marilyn and other Floridians. We all need to flock to orchid's and hang out at her

pool while I give a performance of Duck Lake!!

Why heck, let's just make it Open House orchid!

Ang, you could fly down too!

Whaddaya say orchid??

Paaarrrttttyyyy! Bring it on! I've got the Lake, guest bedroom,

(king size bed), office with futon, 2 sofa's, and 2 love seats. No, our bedroom is off limits. Let's not forget Michael in Sarasota and Lana and who else am I missing? Ooh, what fun!

P.S. You might want to bring your own bedding.

Um, just as I had to constantly tell Blackie after Hurricane Wilma that

took out our screen room, pool is for us, great big ol' lake is for her.....there are....issues with feathered friends in the pool. I'm just sayin'.

Oh allrrrrright...... I'll sleep in the lake. I want to be a good guest and not

do what Perry did in your pool...

Besides, I'll get to rehearse My Duck Lake performance with no distractions while you all have breakfast.

By the way, when I'm finished rehearsing, I like my eggs done over-easy with English Muffins, good sausage links, and real fresh-squeezed Florida orange juice - make that mimosas! Is that an inconvenience??

Oh, absolutely not! I'll be the hostess with the mostess. Although I don't

have an electric juicer I'll just stand there and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and ....

I have my own duck story....when I was in first grade our teacher walked us to a nearby lake.

I had shorts on and the duck decided he wanted them. That duck grabbed the bottom of my shorts and started pulling and the more I ran the more he/she ran. I can still feel the goosebumps today and I don't like ducks one bit. smileys/smile.gif

Might I make a suggestion? Do what they do in Jamaica, fill a large

cooler with ice and fill with a variety of (ahem) beverages and enjoy the ride. I'll start figuring out what to do with you all when you get here. ;0)

ah-oh.....LM may be coming after you, San...DUCK!

Here's what I get when I click on the link:

This Web site is in a category that represents a potential information security risk to the Corporation and has been blocked by Corporate Information Security.

You're telling moi to duck?? QUL!!

Perry, on the other hand, has something to hide... He’s got a problem with LM because they’re developing the “Cormorant” Project and he feels that it should be called the Egret Project! He’s been flying around all of your LM installations aiming his droppings with precision force in protest - haven’t you seen?? He’ll do anything to get LM to change the name!!

Mar, you have a lot of pull, right? Can’t you get them to change the name for Perry’s sake??!


I'll be performing a water ballet version Ang. With just one act, I'll be able to attract as many

alligators as there are in orchid's lake (part of my program). When they surround me, I'll rise above them with a pirouette holding a tazer in my beak to fend them off. It's just a spectacular scene that I made up...

You gotta' come down and see Ang!
