We watched movies today... Little Miss Sunshine and Cool Hand Luke...

Enchanted April was so good I bought it. You can see ( in certain

scenes) a glimpse of Portofino through the trees. Ann

You should meet my friend Dennis. He's been ranting on it for years.

I just love it.

I get such a chuckle about the reality of the prime minister's girlfriend leaping up onto him &

wrapping her legs around him in a public airport. What he would be doing in a public airport to begin with, astounds me.

Interesting. I wonder if his rant comes from the same direction as mine?


1. The bloody thing was advertised as a holiday movie. Ipso fatso, that means everyone should end up with a happy ending.

2. The movie included 11 different "love" scenarios, where EVERYONE ends up happy and in love EXCEPT for the two scenarios with women my age. If I go to a holiday movie, I expect to be happy when I leave. That is not too much to ask.

Sucky Scenario 3a. Emma Thompson heart-breakingly ends up with a CD instead of the necklace she sees her husband buying and getting gift-wrapped. Is this proof that he may be having an affair? Who knows? All I know (and Emma too, I suspect) is: what part of Happy Holidays is this?

Sucky Scenario 3b. Laura Linley is the dedicated sister to an emotionally dependent brother. She finally meets The Right Guy, things are looking great, some happy-happy nooky-nooky may soon take place....and the emotionally dependent brother calls, resulting in painful Call-itis Interruptus. What does she do? This cute guy may finally be The One. Her brother needs her. What does she do? She does the right thing, of course. And the guy....leaves?? And I have to ask myself again: what part of Happy Holidays is this?

Every other scenario in that movie worked out for the best, including the one with kids and one with the porn stars. If you can make a holiday movie where porn stars end up happy--for the love of all women over the age of 40--couldn't they have found a better ending for these two women??

And, hey Hollywood, here's an idea: check the theater. At the showing I was at, at least 70% of the room was filled with women over 40 who will never again expose their thighs in broad daylight, not if they can help it.

So I repeat myself...The bloody thing was advertised as a holiday movie! If I want to see sadness, infidelity, and the trauma of family commitment, I'll watch CNN.

(That concludes this edition of Marilyn's Rant. Thank you.)

No, but I'll forward this to him. He'll want to add it, for sure. He refers to it as

"Cat Vomit, Actually." His objections have more to do with credibility. (as if his favorite Chistmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, doesn't have credibility issues.)

When he found out last Christmas that it was his niece's favorite too, he was in despair. "HOW HOW HOW can you people watch that @%$#@%?" He decided he should give it one more try, so I reluctantly loaned him my DVD. He returned it with a new wrapper with a "Cat Vomit" warning, with the sillouette of a cat and a puddle inside a red circle with a red slash.

Marilyn, I won't argue that those two story lines weren't sad, only that Thompson and Linney, two of the best actresses in the world, gave memorable performances with only a few scenes each. To me it was like reading a selection of quirky short stories, some better than others, instead of a big long serious novel.

The reason it's on my list is the same as all the others--these are the movies that, if they come on TV, I sit down "just for a minute" and end up watching them again all the way through.

Amen Marilyn. I'll go to the movies with you any day. Ratatouille anyone? I haven't seen it yet.

{sigh}...and it had Emma AND Alan Rickman. I was sooo waiting for this movie. And...

tee-hee..."Cat Vomit" gives new meaning to educational CVs!
