Weekend Six (including farmers market psychosis)

Hmm, interesting! My husband also thought it was sweet. I guess just too many carrots? smileys/frown.gif

I have yet to try it on non-Czech/Slovak folk, though! smileys/wink.gif

Carrots can do it. It can be difficult to balance sweet and salty. There's an Epi recipe for

Mohagany beef stew that has a lot of hoisin in it. I've notice so many people said it was too sweet. I made it and think it was because they didn't add enough salt.

Made this tonight, and had to sub toasted almonds and coffee (for the rum). Excellent!

I cut the brown-sugar measurement by half, and (at least to me and J.) it's subtly sweet. I also threw in some quatre-epices and cardamom. Next time, I might add rum-soaked raisins.

Update: But because I baked it in a Bundt pan for the whole 55 minutes, it's dry. smileys/frown.gif Caveat Bundt bakers! I should've pulled it at 35 or 40 minutes.

I always bake mine for at least an hour in the bundt and it's still very moist. maybe the sugar. it

will get moist from the pears as it sits too.

I don't remember really but I have a new stove and I'm really not

sure I trust it so I always start checking 5 min before time. Ang is right, it just became even more moist with time. Maybe that is why Marg said it's even best to let it stand in the fridge for a week. Let it set for a day or two and see if that makes a difference? Hope this goes through, looks like we're doing some remodeling around here.

There's one in my oven right now. Doing it to take to dinner tonight with the caramel whipped cream.

That's next.

That is if we're talking about Judy's pear cake.

I think this will be the first time I've made the cake and eaten it right away. I let it sit because the flavours intensify and moisture increases after a week in the fridge. Like a fruit cake. I also toast the pecans as I almost always do.

I normally use Planters' Punch rum but cannot find it in this province so I bought Captain Morgan's spiced rum. It is not as intense and not as dark unfortunately, but was the best I could do.

I bake it exactly 58 minutes in a bundt pan, at 350.

Ok, I'll let it sit a bit, then. And may have to make caramel + whipped cream tomorrow. smileys/smile.gif
