Weight in, friends. Copper cleaner? Most effective, least labor intensive product recommendations?

Just a small aside...

Years ago, (well maybe more like decades) my mother had a bunch of Revereware pots with copper bottoms. She absolutely insisted that they be polished after each use.

My great uncle, who knew a thing or two about metals and heat conduction, told her that she was not doing herself or the pots any favor by removing the tarnish. They actually conduct heat better with the tarnish intact.

Peeking into kitchens in French restaurants, I have yet to see a polished copper pot in sight.

My copper saucepan wears its tarnish proudly.

I have 3 Revere Ware pans from shower gifts too. They don't get polished, are used daily, have been

in the dishwasher thousands of times and are still work horses. The handles are no longer shiny but they are intact and these pans supplement my big All Clad bruisers nicely. The last time the bottoms were polished was in 1971 by my stepmother!

I haven't used Rolite. I used Wenol and another brand but don't remember what it was. They

required too much of my elbow grease IMHO.
