well, how about this?

So very happy to have you back with us. We have sorely missed you

and I hope that when this horrific time is over, you will be able to be here more often. Happy that you and yours are safe. OXOXOX

Hi Evelyn! Greetings form the other side of the world!

We recently relocated form London to Sydney -

Looking forward to seeing you around again!

(((Evelyn))) So nice to see you here - I hope all of your family is well

What a tragedy with the fires!

Hope to see you around here more often - we miss you!

things were better than we'd expected

back from the village. Things at our home there were covered with soot - but that can be cleaned. For us, personally, the real tragedy was losing our two olive groves that have been in my husband's family for a long time. It turns out the trees aren't dead. They were badly charred in the fire, but they're alive deep down inside, and the agriculturalist who came to see them says he thinks, with lots of tlc, they will be crop-worthy again in 3 years! We are thrilled as we thought we'd lost all those lovely, old trees.

Thank you all for welcoming me back. smileys/smile.gif

That is good news, and so true about trees. There was a lightening fire in a yard near me, the pine

trees looked dead, but many of them have come back. Really amazing how quickly the vegetation has recovered.

So glad you are safe Evelyn, I was wondering about you when the news

showed such terrible devastation all over Greece. I'm wondering if there is anything we can do to help?

Evelyn, I've been thinking of you and your summer house!!!

I watched the news and all of a suddeen I realized that your summer house must be in the middle of the fire.

I'm so glad to hear that you are okay!

I haven't been to Greece since last time but we are definitely going again now that we finished renovating our house (It has taken us 2 1/2 years!)
I miss Poros, athens and above all, Greec food!

Please keep us updated.

Massive hugs from up north!
