Funny; I was just going to ask this. smileys/smile.gif
Our plans were: blackberry pancakes, raspberries on the side. Capuccino. But then our clueless-about-American-traditions Slovak friend wrote last night to ask if everyone wanted to go to brunch, and J. gets no time to socialize during the week, so brunch it is! While I stay back at the ranch and play Nap Emcee. smileys/angry.gif (If M. doesn't get 2 big naps during the day, it's not pretty at night.) Yes, I'm bitter, and I'm not sure whom to blame. Mostly the Slovak friend, who likes pushing my buttons just for the heck of it. I guess I don't blame Slovak Friend--I just hate last-minute plans upending plans I've already made. (Although she was the one who told me, at her wedding dinner, "Gosh, I just loved staying in Wyoming--it was so homogenous! What America is really like! Just like Slovakia!" And then I read her the riot act for 20 her wedding dinner. Perhaps she still--justifiably!--holds a grudge...)
Anyway, if it's me solo, tomorrow morning, as Nap Emcee, it'll be doughnuts and coffee in the park, followed by a dash back to the crib. We celebrated a little tonight and had Parmesan pork cutlets, potato salad, and salad.
Yes, I'm annoyed! If you live in the U.S. and have American friends, and do not live under a large rock, then realize that it's Father's Day tomorrow, dammit, and your American-Czech friends might have something already planned! I don't know who I'm peeved at. But I am peeved.
Also, I haven't had a chance to make any cinnamon rolls and that also makes me annoyed. BUT I AM ANNOYED. And grumpy. And tired of renting. And tired of city dirt. But that's neither here nor there.
Hope you're all having a good weekend...