what do I do w/ left over wine? It really is not drinkable for me, and I am pretty easy

Thanks once again for all the great ideas. I am making Ropa Vieja now, and will check out the wine

in a bit... I do not think it is sangria worthy.

Thanks much~

old country method

get a vinegar starter (some gourmet shops carry them or you need to know someone...) and a large container then just add your leftover wine and you have an ongoing source of high quality vinegar. More gourmet minded will only add the same varietal of wine to the vinegar(s) and then have a selection of particular vinegars. Some families have the same vinegar going back decades via this method.
In organic circles vinegar is an all purpose solution for both health and cleaning purposes. In some areas I understand they also keep it on hand at beaches where deadly jellyfish stings are a problem and applied to the stings it neutralizes them... I've witnessed people get instant relief from headaches with a couple of swigs of organic apple cider vinegar. I tried it myself for that purpose with negligible results though so YMMV. But supposedly it is very good for your digestive system as well as your blood to take a couple of teaspoons of this apple cider vinegar.

well...DON'T put it in a regular ziplock bag (non-freezer) and then stick it in the freezer.

The wine will "mostly" freeze, develop sharp ice shard edges, poke a hole in the "non-freezer" ziplock bag, and leak a thick fluid (the part of 'wine' that isn't water (now disguised as ice shards)) all over your freezer.

Just a suggestion.

Wine Vinegar!

I love vinegar to sour things and use a lot of it. I buy Bragg organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother still in it. It's a lot more expensive than regular vinegar, but what I do is when the bottle about 1/4 full, I top it up with leftover wine and let it set for a week or so, then have a nice big full bottle of pino grigio or whatever was leftover, vinegar. Get a couple bottles so you can have different flavors going. As long as you let it sit and mature, you can keep a bottle going for some time since the mother is still active and your feeding it like a yeast.

Yes, I love my wine vacuum pump--sure saves me from dumping a lot of wine that's turned to vinegar.
