What do YOU like to make for dinner when it is 91 degrees in your house?

REC: Grilled eggplant with soba noodles and peaches

Or in this case, nectarines!

I got the recipe from the Boston Globe, but they adapted it from Ottolenghi's Plenty.

There was one eggplant int he garden and we had nectarines in the fridge, so this was dinner.


There are also some other interesting grilled eggplant salads in this article.


Comfort food

First, it is never 91 in my house, Close, but I eventually turn on the AC.

Today, after driving 200 plus miles to be with my sister while her husband had a pacemaker inserted, being up late, lack of sleep, and sitting in a hospital, I came home to make a pasta dish of fresh portabella, roasted red peppers, spinach, fusilli, Labneh, and sour cream topped with parmesan shavings. Comfort food.

Cold Fruit Plates

However, I do remember growing up when we had no AC and on hot evenings, Mother would make fruit plates filled with whatever fruit we had, (peaches, pears, apricots, grapes, cottage, cheese, or grilled cheese sandwiches, or the fruit over mixed greens, etc.

We did yesterday. They call it "monsoonal moisture" from Mexico.The wind changed today, hallelujiah!

OK, I have to try this, cuz it never occurred to me to pair peaches/nectarines and eggplant but ...

it actually sounds really good!

Lisa, it was really good!

We only had a 1# eggplant from the garden, so did about 1/3 of the recipe.

Thought that maybe it could have used a bit more nectarine, but if it had been chopped smaller, that would have distributed it better.

Do give it a try!

I also want to try the other recipes in that article.
