What do you put on your popcorn? Have you ever tried it with oil instead of butter? I like it with

I am currently hooked on butter with dried, ground chipotle pepper . . .

as a most delicious popcorn add on. Sometimes I eat it for dinner, (counting all of the points, as I am trying to lose weight on Weight Watchers).

I get the pepper from Penzey's and cook it briefly in the butter before pouring all over the popcorn.

Keeps my non-hot-stuff loving kids from mooching my popcorn--they can make their own!

this brand of popcorn was mentioned this morning on Today for a "healthy" snack choice for kids

with being a little sweet as well, but not too calorific.

I'm hooked on Orville's salt and pepper mini bags,eaten with a thick slice of cheddar or jack cheese
