What do you snack on when hungry in the middle of the night? Sometimes I wake up

I never get up to eat. I even hate to get up to "use the facilities." Once

abed, it takes a heavy duty crane to get me out.
Even if I'm thirsty, I won't get up.

That said, I have lain in bed, unable to sleep, and prepared breakfast foods in my head for when I finally DID arise. It's usually scones I imagine. With a pot of hot tea. And fresh jam. And a garden outside my billowing curtained window that doesn't exist. Oh, and the heath on the non-existent moors off in the distance.

The ideas that come up from SleepyLand with just a little imagination and a full bladder.

I never get up to eat. And after drinking at least 2 L of water during the day must need arise at

least 5 times to use the facilities. If perchance I am tossing and turning and can't get back to sleep I raid the sherry bottle and a wee nip will send me back to dreamland. Hic!

Karen, the JFB (Junk Food Brigade) needs to kidnap you and hold an intervention.

NO ONE eats that healthy, not on my watch.

Tryptophan is in turkey that makes you full after a Thanksgiving meal...

I often wondered if other food high in protein had that same effect (or even had some tryptophan in them).

My sister does that all the time (gets up to eat) - but if I fall back to sleep while hungry, I usually wake up pretty full, not hungry at all. Hmm, maybe I am sleep-eating!

I always get cravings for peanut butter in the middle of watching "Big Brother", though. If you watch the show, you'll know what I mean! It never fails - I have to have peanut butter on an English muffin while watching this show!
