What happened to my tamale masa dough?!

Confession: I have never had a tamale. I know first I have admitted I have not had a fish taco,

now this..... You would think I lead a very sheltered life.

Or Texas. Fish tacos have become popular here if a few years behind CA. And the lines are long on

the day before Christmas for tamales.

A well-made tamale can be a delicious treat. I was at a casual party a few...

...years ago when the tamales came out. Everyone grabbed one and began eating. A friend-of-a-friend was visiting from Minnesota and told us she had only had one bite of a tamale in her life and she thought it was awful. She couldn't understand the fascination.

I urged her to try one, since I knew the cook who made them knew how to do it right. She did try a bite... and ended up eating two whole tamales herself!

Evidently she had originally been soured on tamales by an encounter with a highly substandard version. She "gets it" now!


When I was a child, my dad would sometimes eat these. He loved them. I don't think he tasted a

"real" tamale until his later years when I took him to a Mexican restaurant and ordered them for him.

I don't think so--it doesn't specify pre-grated cheese. And she would want the chips pre-crushed too

I got a chuckle out of this too...However, I recall when we had three hungry pre-teens

getting home off the lake in the summer and having stuff like this in the pantry for emergencies, and for those days when at 6:45 am, one of the kids would tell me they needed a casserole for second period potluck. Yes, that food does have it's place. I don't even stock them anymore, thank goodness. Some of them were mighty tasty though!
