What is your all time favorite brand of dark chocolate to bite into?

Joe, you don't use a candy thermometer for this? good to know. I am candy making challenged.

No, when it's ready, it turns brown. I use a thermometer for other in-between stages,

but not for caramel. You could use one just to see how far along you are, but the final test is by color.

That was always my favorite, until I met Orange and Chocolate whatever they are called. Yum!

Meryl - just tasted a Santander dark chocolate with pineapple bits...

If the package didn't say so, I'd have NO idea the chewy bits were pineapple!!! The chocolate doesn't melt in the mouth with the same creaminess as the ChocoVic Guaranda -- just thought I'd give a review smileys/smile.gif

Cheezz, too bad it was grainy - I've never had a grainy one, but I haven't

tried the fruit filled ones. I've had at least 20 bars so far of the 70% plain, and they've always been creamy! As a matter of fact, I just had a piece earlier today. Let me know what happens.
