Real Mashed Potatoes topped with beef and gravy...
beef braised until it falls apart, then the liquid made into gravy using a nice browned roux with the meat all stirred in.
Also meat loaf, mashed potatoes or baked mac and cheese, and real succotash (corn cut off the cob, baby limas, cream, butter, cooked until tender).
Open faced roast beef or pork sandwiches, gravy and mashed potatoes (my grandmother always called this "restaraunt style", which seems so funny now, since it is so "homestyle" in this age)
Chicken or pork dressing (piggy pudding) with gravy. This was very popular in my family growing up. Basically a chicken or cheap pork roast was boiled to death with onions and celery, then the meat was picked off, mixed with bread, sage, eggs, and the broth, baked to succulence, and the rest of the broth made into gravy to top it with when served.
Pure comfort food.