What is your Thanksgiving Menu?

Don't forget, my first Thanksgiving was 15 years ago..

when I was a housewife for the first time, because I didn't have a work permit. One of the things I brought to the US with me was my subscription to Gourmet. I never bothered to make gravy at first, then I read an article in Gourmet about immigrant Thankgivings that said if you didn't have gravy, you hadn't assimilated. Guess what has to be on our table every year?

Wonderful story, and the article was right! Gravy, in my opinion, is the only reason for putting up

with all the Thanksgiving trappings, including in-laws and even turkey.

Heather, your menu sounds wonderful and I'm quacking up big time

with your "stretchy pants" term - LOL!

I used to say "I need my expando-pants" whenever I ate too much.
