What to do with 1 qt of whipping cream? Coming up to expiry, hate to throw it out. TIA for ideas

Make creme fraiche: mix it into sour cream. Start with a cup or so of the sour cream

stir in a cup of cream. Let it sit at room temp. When it thickens, add more of the cream. Repeat.

It will keep much longer that way.

You could also make butter. I've never had luck freezing cream as is.

You can flavor it, whip it and freeze it. Holds easily for a month or more. When you're ready to

use it again, simply defrost in the refrigerator. I've done this almost every time I make whipped cream. Who knew?

So it'll keep its whipped structure while frozen? That's easily the best kitchen tip of the decade!

Whip it. Add some sugar, use icing sugar as it helps to stabilize. Freeze. It will be almost as

fluffy when it is thawed but you can just whisk it a bit more then.

Yes, in fact, if it hasn't been opened, I find it will last a month longer without a trace

of the stinkies. But we have different whipping cream here.
