What to do with 1 qt of whipping cream? Coming up to expiry, hate to throw it out. TIA for ideas

Why am I not surprised you HAVE a parole officer? My witness protection marshall tells me they're

mostly wimps, though.

I suspect we'll be seeing this shot of Steve on the FBI "Most Wanted" site soon...

...carefully guarding his pizza stone and beer stein.

(Steve...Steve...I know you're undercover, but did you really feel the need to remove your nose??)

That was my wife he was talking to. The whole family's in "the program". (Could you tell she was

cracking up the entire time?)

Yeah, and the rest of the family were holding up the "WTF??" signs. Somebody played Misty for him.

Poor Jessica. I don't think her career survived that role. She was so brilliant and soooo convincing

she must have scared off every mogul in town.
