I did a sauce with a meat fondue I served in 1971. I have always remembered it as being so
delicious and although my kitchen has changed in 40 years, I can still remember that. It is the essential dipper if you're going to do a Swiss beef fondue.
I have a crazy memory.
I've eaten scads of cheese fondues in Switzerland (as I mentioned, every Wednesday night on chef's day off) and a few meat fondues. But the one sauce for the meat is traditional.
On my returns to Switzerland, I ate raclette on most occasions.
Nope, I cannot find the recipe.
By the way, I now buy cheese fondue in the package, made in Switzerland and really authentic. It just isn't worth making it from scratch. The one I buy is a Canadian brand, imported, and better than most, but there must be some good US versions.
I'll do some more searching for the recipe. Moving is a bear .... when you know exactly where something used to be.