What's the temperature where you are? I'm in NC and it's 89 degrees here today!

Just in from the Monterey/Carmel coast where it was a lil sunny/a lil foggy, high about 70 degree

the past couple of days....perfect for sightseeing, hiking and walking on the beach. Returned home to a slightly warmer yet comfy 80 degrees but it's cooling down enough now I wanted to roast a chicken tonight which is nearly done and smelling absolutely divine right now. :eek:)

We're having such a lousy Spring. It should be in the 80s now. My poor garden.

My thermometer says 73 and it's sunny, at least.

I'm thinking of digging it up. Normally it is in by Apr 7, this year it was a month later, and still

not much is going on. We used to be in the pool on May 24, even before we put the heater in. Now, it isn't even open yet and we'll have to crank the heat up to make it enjoyable. (although the ducks love it covered)

Summer used to be long, very hot and wonderful here. Now it's about 3 months long and iffy at best, but lots of wind. What is going on??!!

That's a terrrific idea. And no pesky leaves on trees to provide shade in the

late winter. My arugula always seeds itself in the fall as do various lettuces. I pick it all over the yard. Radicchio lasts through the winter particularly well as a tight little bundle and then starts growing. I've gone through the first batch of arugula and the second is 3" high. But I planted the other stuff so late, I'm getting impatient.

If I'm still around next February, I'll go scatter some seeds on the snow. Thanks for the idea.
