yup! Alaska Angie, she's one sharp cookie!
F florisandy Well-known member Jun 7, 2010 #42 Hoo-hoo-hoo! My ribs hurt! Sorry Ang, but you're on the cutting edge of our entertainment right now - LOL!!
Hoo-hoo-hoo! My ribs hurt! Sorry Ang, but you're on the cutting edge of our entertainment right now - LOL!!
W wigs Well-known member Jun 8, 2010 #43 Here's another one I've posted B4==> REC: Broccoli Cole Slaw with dried fruit http://www.eat.at/swap/forum/index.php?action=display&forumid=1&msgid=16936
Here's another one I've posted B4==> REC: Broccoli Cole Slaw with dried fruit http://www.eat.at/swap/forum/index.php?action=display&forumid=1&msgid=16936
C cheezz Well-known member Jun 8, 2010 #44 I love broccoli slaw!! Now I have a new one to try - thanks wigs!
A angak Well-known member Jun 8, 2010 #45 such razor sharp wit from you guys!!! I'm tough---keep on cutting away.
F florisandy Well-known member Jun 8, 2010 #46 Then let me take a another stab. Your favorite song is.....