What's your favorite comfort food?

Sloppy Joes and Fritos. in grade school we had no cafeteria but once a month the PTA would make

that lunch for a fund raiser. OMG, did the school smell so good and what a treat to have a hot lunch. good memory!

I'm a carb girl. Mashed potatoes, grilled cheese (pumpernickle rye swirl with swiss) and those

yeasty dinner rolls that cyalexa2 mentioned with TONS of butter.

Hhmmm never had a sloppy joe!? Must be your reaction when I mention I have never had a fish taco.

I grew up on them. I recall the richer families would serve them in the mini individual frito bags; you kind of scooped it up was you were eating a frito chip. We did not do that... BUT, you must try / experience a sloppy joe! Pure comfort food! You really need those soft; full of xx rolls. (Have not had enough coffee... but you know what I mean, they have so many chemicals in them).

you mention dinner rolls---I see we have Sister Schubert's in the frozen foods at Walmart now

are they any good?

They sold something called a "spoonburger" at my high school snack bar. It probably wasn't the brand

name Sloppy Joe mix. I must have tried one at some point but I can't quite remember the sensation, lol. With all the names I was called in school, "Sloppy Joe" wasn't one I was eager to court.

Did you know that Fritos are flammable? I'm going to include them in

next year's hurricane emergency stash. I read an article way back that someone left an open bag of Fritos on their car dashboard in a blazing heat and they fried or exploded. Lots of articles on the internet including the use of Doritos to start a grill or fire.

Faced with hunger vs trying to desperately start a fire in a life-threatening situation... I don't know what I'd do! - Lol

