What's your favorite food name?


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Cheez's mulligatawny soup recipe inspired me to think of this. Love the name "mulligatawny." I also recently came across "pandowdy," which appears to be a sort of baked fruit dessert. My favorite word of all time is "pamplemousse," which is French for grapefruit.

Your turn...

Bawbee Baps (Scottish breakfast pastry) and Olliebollen are two of my ...

...favorite food names.

Then there's "Shnitzengruben", but I think Mel Brooks made that one up.


Succotash, Johnnycake, Clafoutis, Bienenstich, Bananarama, (oops, that last one isn't a food.

quinoa, because non-foodies never pronouce it right, and folks have never heard of it.

Do food prep methods count? I like Mise en place, because when I ask, "do you do mise en place?" I love seeing the look on peoples faces.

Refuse to put this to the title....

.... but I must say the first time I saw "Spotted Dick" in a cookbook I almost passed out laughing

Foie Gras..wins hands down... it has such a nice round sound to it. Champers 'n OJ comes next!
