What's your favorite "the economy's in the toilet, I need to save my pennies" cheapo recipe?

Can you share the recipe, Elenor? 3 young neighbor kids will be spending the night soon and they luv

hot dogs. ;o)

I almost hate to mention the word egg right now but egg salad sandwiches are great, easy & a cheaper

protein compared to lunchmeats. Canned tuna is another good one for lunches. And don't forget peanut butter. :eek:)

Oh, I almost forgot about meatloaf, so many great recipes here. Growing up in a family of 9

on a budget, we ate lots of meatloaf. ;o)

I was going to suggest the same thing - I bought a rotisserie bird from Costco

and we've stretched it into three dishes - a pot pie, a chinese chicken salad, and a huge pot of soup.

I would also suggest finding meat-free dishes, that will save some $$. A lot of pasta and grain based dishes do well as meat-free.

Also great for those watching their weight!

I think that recipe, minus the pasta, fits every eating plan out there!

Don't be so sure....

Can you imagine...all your recipes:

2 large ***s

...add the ***s one by one, beating after each addition...

...dip each piece in the beaten ***...

...in a large mixing bowl, beat the ***s...


Rice---you can put almost anything over rice. Here in the "bush" villages, chili over rice is a

favorite stretch-able meal.
