Where can I find these giant round cookie sprinkle things?

There is a candy that are little balls like that, I just can't remember

what the candy is called. Take a look in the candy department.

I rememer that the silver ones were called Dragees.

dI don't recall seeing the colored ones anywhere.

Or if you need smaller / check out "Nerds"... Although they are usually in only one color.

There are also mini gob stoppers, but while they would look pretty, they would be a problem on a


OR, have you thought about piping the beads on? I know it might

seem like a lot of work but probably about the same amount of time as tweezering those little suckers on in a straight line. Just sayin'.

Yeah, I have. It's just all the colors needed...and my arthritic hands

Last time I made these my hands were pretty wiped out from the piping. Though if I can find some small squeeze bottles that might work.

This whole project may be moot anyway. Christmas may be cancelled. Just got word my BIL's cancer has taken a turn for the worse. (Randy's FIL) Going to see him on Saturday.

Sorry to hear, Maria.

Should you decide to go through with the cookies, SurLaTable has small and easy to squeeze bottles which are perfect to work with and you can just cut off the tip to the desired size you wish to pipe.
