While I love the "rich" appearance of this dessert, I think it would make my teeth hurt.

OK, I won't tell you Trader Joe's.....


Actually, I bought it at my "regular" grocery store - Ralphs. They had it on sale, so I picked it up without having a specific purpose for it in mind. I have to check the date on it, I hope it's still good!

I'm so glad it wasn't TJ's. Ha! I'll check at my supermarket - otherwise my health food market.

Hi Joe, I just saw the breakfast pizza you posted on your blog.

It looks great and exactly what I have been wanting to make for my son. He loves breakfast pizzas, and I could never quite wrap my brain around it. This will be on our menu next weekend. It's great to see you here, we all love your blog. Thanks!

It was fun!

Working with the marshmallow fondant was a breeze!

I thought it was going to end up being too sweet, but adding some vanilla to the fondant and using the buttery cookie as a base turned out quite nice. The fondant kept for a few days, well wrapped and in the refrigerator, so I didn't have to make another batch for the second round of cookies.

Pleasantly surprised...


I wasn't convinced it was going to work all that well, but it was what Jeff asked for and I'm glad we went ahead with the idea! Besides, how bad could it really be with lots of eggs, sausage and cheese!

In a sense...

It didn't dry to be too hard, but it was solid enough (not sticky at all or anything) that we were able to stack them several high without them marring the surface of the fondant at all.
