Whipped cream problem!!! Caterers HELP!

Well, we tried...canned whipped cream squirted on less than 5 minutes before serving

and it was a melted mess by the time it reached the table. Guess we have to go with the real stuff in pastry bags!

Just a thought--how about a dab of creme fraiche instead? It holds its shape and won't deflate

just mix sour cream and whipping cream together ahead of time and be ready to dallop with a spoon. That's what I usually do at home because I don't like the canned stuff either and I can't be bothered whipping at the last minute.

cheezz, did you read Marilyn's link? You could do this way ahead.

Sounds like a great idea to me.

Thanks orchid, I went back and read more thoroughly. Looks like Swiss meringue buttercream

We are going to experiment with some of these make-ahead and freeze ideas. The stabilized whipped cream isn't so much of a problem as the 35 guys running around in a smallish kitchen with trays of tiny desserts and trying to get whipped cream on said desserts smileys/smile.gif

I was just thinking what a shame I don't live closer to you so I could hop over--culinary

prop(s) in hand--to help you out!
