Will someone come over and play with me? I'm sooo bored. I can't "do" anything.

In Texas we mostly get ice instead of snow, though sometimes thunder snow with sleet.

Nobody can drive in it either, and we don't have road equipment to deal with it either. Still, it shouldn't be in the eighties at the end of January or first of February, even for here.

I am so sorry you are laid up, damn!! it sucks!!, that said I thing of the internet

as being able to walk into the worlds biggest library.
Lie back and think about where you want to travel--do a search. What new car, camera, kitchen toy? do a search. Go shipping at Neiman Marcus. Is there a health problem in your family? Do you need to change your eating plan to make sure are getting enough Omega #'s, Iron? protein?
Or go to Amazon and check out books on a certain subject or by an author?
Like I said the world's biggest library. I would love to be locked in one with some great pillows, cheese and crackers, wine, and chocolate.
As it is when I go to my book shelves or on line, the next few hours are done.
Get better fast and do your PT. I firmly believe after last year that is why I have no leftovers from my surgery last year.
Take care my dear and keep posting,

Ang, thanks for asking, you know there are no signs, I am so lucky. My friends here keep

comenting on it. I must say I was fanatical about the PT. Did my homework and went to every session. But, if you remeber, I also had the need to pass that dastardly Coast Guard physical.
Anyway, color me a lucky old broad!!

Thanks for asking dear,

Cyn - I can relate. Sorry you are having so much to deal with all at once!

Spring is just around the corner, they say. Tell me it's so! smileys/smile.gif


I'm flat on my back too...

I wish we could do virtual back pain meetings!

The sun is shining, it's 80 degrees, nice breeze going, and I'm on the sofa...

At least I have a little furry dog sitting with me and a HUGE tv!

Hope you feel better soon

Sandra, hope you are feeling better soon! I have to admit that if you have to be on your back

at least you have a beautiful view of the harbour!


Oh it's a silly injury...

It's almost embarassing... nowhere near as dramatic as yours!

I was pulling up the mooring for our boat and I twisted funny, I suppose, I didn't feel it happen, but I felt it afterwards, first a little twinge, then later, I couldn't move...

I've been going to my physio who is trained in Chinese medicine, and although I don't believe a lot of the stuff he does, I have to admit, it's working - although I am going to my GP today for some pain meds, I'm bored of the pain and lying still...

And poor Gomez, hasn't gotten his long romps in the park with me, although today I got a walker to come and take him for a while, before he also becomes a couch potato!

And barb, the view is fabulous, but I can see my instructor's yacht out on the harbour, and I was supposed to be on that lesson today, waaaa!

How are you feeling today Cyn?

Tempting but... if you're REALLY bored, I'll give you some ancestors to ferret out.

I'm a genealogy buff and have some branches missing from the old family tree.... that's IF you are REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY bored smileys/smile.gif

Hit enter too soon! It's amazing how something can so incapacitate you. Between the amount of pain

and being unable to do simple things it's really horrible.
Pain pills helped me to sleep but they don't really do much when awake.

Hope you heal quickly, Sandra.

I did something similar earlier today...

I took Gomez for a walk, some laundry and then took the train into the city, I had a doctor's appointment - silly silly me, so much pain - luckily dr gave me some Demerol and I'm feeling muuuuch better now - I better not wake up tomorrow to find this post is gobbledygook!
