Oh it's a silly injury...
It's almost embarassing... nowhere near as dramatic as yours!
I was pulling up the mooring for our boat and I twisted funny, I suppose, I didn't feel it happen, but I felt it afterwards, first a little twinge, then later, I couldn't move...
I've been going to my physio who is trained in Chinese medicine, and although I don't believe a lot of the stuff he does, I have to admit, it's working - although I am going to my GP today for some pain meds, I'm bored of the pain and lying still...
And poor Gomez, hasn't gotten his long romps in the park with me, although today I got a walker to come and take him for a while, before he also becomes a couch potato!
And barb, the view is fabulous, but I can see my instructor's yacht out on the harbour, and I was supposed to be on that lesson today, waaaa!
How are you feeling today Cyn?