Woo Hoo! Congratulate me, please! Went for my annual checkup today and I'm

I square that! I think losing weight is the hardest of all things because you face that temptation

very single day. It's not like you can just say, "well, I'm giving up food" the same way you could say "I'm giving up movies" or "I'm giving up taking naps in the afternoon."

You HAVE to face that demon every single day and attempt to defeat it each time with good, sensible decisions. Some battles you win...

There are folks who have never met this particular demon and I envy them. Other folks live with theirs every single day.


That's pretty much what I did too. Found I stayed full much longer when I ate...

...high fiber foods like bean stews, whole grain soups, stews and breads.

Bad cholesterol goes down, good cholesterol goes up, blood pressure down, blood sugar under control, etc.

I eat a bit more protein since I weight train, but your method works for me too.


Fantastic news and what a wonderful report from those mean old scales. Keep that good

work up and the weight will stay down!
