Would you all weigh in? I'm frustrated and confused . . .

I find with defrosting in the microwave you have to do it for short periods, pause, turn the meat,

etc. to keep some parts from heating up while the rest is frozen, even when using the defrost cycle. For a large piece you may as well do it under cold water.

I've used any combination of methods in a hurry, but I've also noticed that long slow defrosting in the refrigerator, if you have the time, makes for less mushy meat or fish--particularly fish.

Culinary School Reply....

They'd always have us put the frozen item in a hotel pan (a bowl is fine) and let cold water drizzle over it nonstop for a couple of hours.

Probably not ideal at home for your water bill, but you're not letting it gush full blast. When the fridge method doesnt work, this is what we do.
