would you buy this?

My MIL liked to give local gifts as well - though I doubt she would have gone for this

because of the $$$.

She gave us a gorgeous cherry wood bowl, turned by a local man who salvaged wood from various locations around upstate NY.

George Carlin said it best. "What Americans do best is sell each other stuff. If you...

...nail together two things that have never been nailed together before, some dumb shmuck will buy it from you."



I saw his last act in Atlantic City. While I am not a fan, dh laughed hysterically, it was

a good christmas gift to buy the tickets. The irony was that at the time, we knew, and commented that this would be the last time he would be in our area on tour......

I do recall laughing about his ideas about kids toys.

He was a brilliant person, I think, but his views on politics and religion got...

...really vicious and nasty. Since I disagreed with him on almost everything associated with those two topics, I tuned him out.

When he wasn't talking about such things, he did make me laugh.


I wouldn't but I know pwoplw who would.

The way I see it, I only earn a certain amount of money in my life and I intend to spend them wisely. I love hand made stuff and my uncle, who is a wood carver - just gave me two wooden bowls for my birthday that I love (made out of birch). Still, I don't think a walnut, hand made cutting board justifies the $160 price.
I have this theroy, that if you buy $160 walnut cutting boards, you don't cook often. Know what I mean?

pwoplw = people. (I was typing and eating chocolate at the same time...smileys/wink.gif )
