Yummy looking blog: Cafe Fernando

Jaden's Steamy Kitchen, can't remember if this was linked here or I found it from one that was>>>

linked here. She's a local gal, funny, a good writer and has interesting looking recipes.

Like Orangette, she's gotten a cookbook deal from her site. She also teaches at a local cooking school as well as one in LA.


you all will get me fired, or make me quit my job so I can spend all day reading these. I get

obsessed. And then, there are not enough lifetimes to make all the good recipes. Aaaargh.

so cute. they are for people, not doggies, although my pup would snarf these

down in no time. Is Horlick's a malted milk powder?

Lol! I know what you mean Ang, I get obsessed too.

I'm still laughing about the books that you and Cyn served up for Marilyn... Talk about "In-yo-face" food - lol!

wasn't that just fabulous! I could frame that, it's so pretty. and I'm not a great mushroom fan

truthfully, I ordered the book, but had it shipped directly to the DIL and grandkids. thought it

would make a fun summer activity. Our kids are already out of school up here---last Thurs. was their last day. Grandkiddies in Washington go until the 19th or so. bummer. Whatever happened to long seemingly endless summer vacation??
