A food I hate that no one else seems to...

yes and they're just as bad. they taste like roofing nails. i know that cuz...

i worked as a roofer one summer and you need to hold several nails in your mouth to keep them handy (actually, mouthy).

Only my own ;o) Sorry couldn't resist! I've always wanted to try making one but...

the thought of peeling it somehow puts me off. I hear it's good eatin' though...

That is what sparked my banana aversion...and why I don't now have an aversion...

to corn on the cob escapes me...

No offense, rvb, but how can Brussel sprouts...

possibly taste like roofing nails? You are a oner! And, I'm trying to be kind here, but badly cooked cabbage I can accept as an analogy, not roofing nails. I bet you have a lot of fruitcake recipes!

now, now, Velveeta has its place in the kitchen for mac and cheese and melty grilled cheese.

Tongue, yes, I've had it. When I was in my twenties and on a date....

to a great Italian restaurant in No. CA. It was served on the appetizer plate. I thought it was a fancy bologna. I inquired to the wait person and was told it was tongue. I have never seen it at a restaurant since.

to me, brussel sprouts have a mettalic taste, like galvanized metal...

other than having you go out and taste your back fence, it's difficult to desribe. it's the sort of thing like drinking a red wine that hasn't breathed sufficiently tastes like chewing a pencil.

my recipes tend to be unfruitcakey (well, except maybe for the zucchini daiquiris).

Ang, I'sm with you, no fuzzy food. Just thinking about it makes my tongue squimish....

But peaches, no peaches in any form. No peach scented room freshner, no peach nectar, no peach in my fruit salad. What a shame, the farmers market is exploding with fresh peaches right now .............

Yes- it was very popular to serve it in the 50s and 60s...

My Mother loved it and cooked it as often as we would allow it without all out mutiny. She simmered it with herbs, onions, carrots and celery then peeled it, chunked it and put it into loaf pans. Then she dumped aspic over it and refrigerated it. The servings were slices on lettuce leaves. Awful. Just the thought of it....actually the flavor and texture were both just fine.

I don't care for stir-fried ligaments, I think it's just the thought of them.

Yak butter tea wasn't my fave either...

I buy brussel sprouts once or twice a year so I can feel

righteous...they really are good for you and I want to support all those brussel sprout farmers in Salinas, Calif.

yes, but there are different goat cheeses!

There is the salty firmer one - feta - that takes some getting used to. Then there is the wonderful soft, creamy, mild chevre. You would never know they are from the same animal... like milk, cream and buttermilk are totally different but all from a cow.
