Also in the new Bon Appetit...."Maimed" Gingerbread Cookie cutters. Is

So I have received a PM and have been told that I am "way out of line",

that some poor "small business is just trying to make a living" and that "I came down hard on them". So I finally had time to look at my new Bon Appetit magazine, that came Friday, today, and I saw some gingerbread cookie cutters in the shape of...well...arms and legs gone called...."Maimed"! I will be honest. I was stunned. And I expressed that here. I will take down the link. We have enough problems in this country. I sure don't want to be responsible for hurting some small business. Sheese!

Good for you Orchid, you are right, shopmodi knows it's shameful and will say whatever to make money

sad really. But I think the damage is done. Maimed is so offensive to me, unfortunately my son Joe was maimed in an accident, he was crushed into a wall by a 5th wheeler loaded for delivery on 08192002. He died twice that day and thank God the dr's were able to help him. He is now, 28 surgeries later, maimed for life, he has prothesis, metal plates in fact his whole pelvis is metal plates, he walks with a bad gait, I could go on and on and on. So that horrible word maimed means something to me and to put it to cookie cutters, well it is offensive. There are many many maimed people and I don't think they would appreciate a cookie cutter that mimics their daily struggles and or a cookie to remind them of their situation.

No you are not Orchid, you not only did the right thing you stood up stamped your feet and made a

difference and I applaud you!!!!!!!!..... and you helped others before they saw this at a holiday gathering.

Thank you Dianncy64 but I'm afraid it's only you and I. Sad really.

And my heart goes out to your son.

Oh, and "Charley"....go ahead and get a spine and actually post something

here instead of just PM's. It's OK, come on out!

Orchid, I'll post rather than PM you. I agree that "maimed" was a poor choice of words that could

be offensive in wartime. But there was no intentional reference to wounded soldiers and shopmodi responded quickly and removed the word from the site. I accept their explanation.

I think the cookie cutters are fun, and I would order some as a gift for a cookie-making friend if they weren't sold out.

I'm filled with rage when I see our soldiers returning maimed, but I direct my anger at people other than Bon Appetit or Shopmodi.

My 2 cents.

What??? Back off orchid.

Some people do not want to be public,and it is their right to choose so. It is not your business because you are pissy to embarrass them. That is their choice. And you should respect that. That post was just rude and disrespectful.

Dawn, your reply to Orchid is horrible and I agree with her 100% You ned to apologize right away

You should think about how an agry response will effect others, this is not EPI, and hopefully Mimi will delete your response, I use to think you were nice.

It's like this dianncy64,,,

What orchid said to Charley is unacceptable. If a person chooses not to post on this board, that is their right, and they should not be blasted or insulted because they choose not to post. Charley has been nothing but helpful in her pm's to me. If that is the way she chooses to be a part of this board, that is her choice. Period.

This post has gotten out of control.
The cookie cutters were not meant to be an insult to our soldiers injured in Iraq. If you read the blurb that goes with them you would understand. Granted, they are not the norm for cookie cutters, but they do appeal to many. They are not meant to be an insult to our injured soldiers. And my reply to orchid was not horrible, it was honest.

Mimi, could you please remove this thread? I've offended people.

I'm off to work so I won't be around so no need for nasty PM's.

oh my, so much pain in this thread. Orchid, I agree with you that "Maimed" was a BAD choice of

words. From the response, I see that the Shopmodi has done the responsible thing and changed it.

Had I seen the cookie cutter without any words, I must admit that first thought would be of my chocolate Easter Bunnies with their ears nibbled off. I believe that was the intent--however poorly it came across.

You are more socially honest than I am and have lived closer to this war than most of us. I am embarrassed to admit that maimed individuals did not come first to my mind.

Dianne, I am so sorry for the pain your son has suffered...and for you as his mother watching him suffer. I can understand how "maimed" would trigger a strong reaction.

I learn something new every day from this website. I know it is a voice and venue for generous, helpful, funny, and thoughtful people.

Your words helped shopmodi see how their product was being misconstrued. And they understood and changed it. That was a good thing.

some perspective...

how many of you were offended enough to post about marilyn's snowmen?

how many people were offended at all?

what's the diff here?

another point of view...

I have a neurological condition that makes it necessary to use a wheelchair. I was delighted with the cookie cutters and saw the link to disability right away. But to me, it was a lighthearted approach...they are fun, they don't have IRAQ

rvb, you bring up a very good point. Somehow, for me, there just isn't the same emotional impact

with Marilyn's snowmen compared to "maimed" gingerbread men. I felt connected with the process involved with Marilyn's GBH and understand her sense of humour. That made all the difference in the world.

A while back I saw a set of those ABC cutters and wondered who would buy such things. Why anyone would produce cookies that looked as if they had been bitten into is beyond me. Perhaps I lack a sense of humour.

Another point of view

I have a neurological condition that makes it necessary for me to use a wheelchair.

I confess that this whole thing made me want to add a wheelchair cookie cutter to my collection of over 150 cookie cutters. It now seems like a glaring omission in my collection. I actually found one, too, and the only reason I didn't buy it was that it looked like one of those big clunky hospital wheelchairs and nothing like my own.

While I certainly find no humor whatsoever in a maimed soldier, I never in a million years would have thought "maimed soldier" when looking at a gingerbread cookie cutter. I saw the similarity to disability right away, and yet I didn't get the impression that the product was intended to make fun of people with disabilities. I actually saw it as something along the lines of "inclusive"...they finally made a (female, black, asian, disabled, insert minority here) gingerbread cookie cutter!

As the t-shirt says:
The world takes my disability far too seriously and frankly, I'm not going to stand for it! ;o)
