Caucasian I am, but I grew up on the receiving end of awful racism...
...and mostly from Americans of African descent.
I went to Jr. High and High School at public schools with a majority percentage of enrollment being black students. I was harrassed, beaten, and called every derogatory racist name in the book on a daily basis by kids who used the n-word CONSTANTLY.
My sister had to be taken out of school and moved to a school that was more racially balanced, simply to escape the constant threat of beatings. Her crime? Red hair.
Both of us were raised to be respectful, kind and peaceful. We did not instigate any of the violence, but we sure suffered from it.
It took me YEARS to understand the genesis and the process that beat me to a pulp all those years. I still don't fully comprehend what happened to me. I got little-to-no-help, by the way, from the adults around me.
People who know me now, know that I'm not a racist. I do know about the reality of it, and how it feels to live under it.
I know what Melissa is saying, and I feel the same way. People need to calm down and understand that people, ALL people, are fallible and capable of being insensitive to others. The bigger person, in my view, extends grace to those who make mistakes, and those who insult others unintentionally should acknowledge and seek forgiveness, which, as I understand, is what Paula Deen did.
Has ANY ONE OF US not EVER had a RACIST thought, made a racist joke or prejudged someone based upon what we have experienced in life? Let that person throw the first STONE.