Bye Bye Paula Deen! FN show will not be renewed...

By way of excuse...

Your first response:

"I would bet you would have a hard time finding a Southerner who is almost 70 years old who has not used that word. I believe she was talking about 30 years ago."

And again, if that was her only offensive bit, maybe, but, I don't think I would find a Southerner (or otherwise) who was ever, personally, served by a slave...

Times change and people learn Sandra. The way men thought about & treated women is a lot different t

I'm not excusing anything. I'm simply stating that how things are now is not how they always were.

I'm mostly in the dark about this, but don't think her depo with personal info should be released...

It has her address/etc in there. Don't think that should be allowed without the personal info blacked out.

From the little I've gleaned, and I fully admit it likely isn't enough to make a conclusion, but the bits of the depo I saw sounded like use of the word she referenced was something like "back in the '60's when we didn't know any better." Also, I'm not clear on what the current charges are except some type of harassment of a caucasian worker. Are they claiming hostile work environment?

Depos, been there done that, are very difficult in that questions are designed to force you to answer in a certain way or trip you up, but with no cross or way to defend yourself. That comes later. Most depos do not look very good unless you had a very savvy person that was well prepped. The fact she elaborated, and very poorly at that, seems to show lack of prep.

Paula has never struck me as savvy when it comes to PR and the like. Pretty much the complete opposite. The recent back/forth videos (which I haven't seen) just reenforces it.

And you don't have both sides without seeing the depo of the plaintiff.

I work for a law firm. There are always two sides to the story.

oh, but it will hurt her pay check and I am sure her two sons are not at all pleased. They seemed

to be trying over the last few years to branch off of "momma's" cooking / recipes and trying to establish a brand for themselves.

I am in the dark about the details of what she said. But from what lil I have heard, it is very disturbing.

I commented to dh this am that she very abruptly cancelled out on the Today show for an interview. I was looking forward to seeing her try to explain, but apparently she was a no-show this am. So, I am going through this with dh this evening.... Kind of a serious business / culinary / media / personal character discussion. (did some comparisions to MS w her trading incident). Anyway, Ended with me saying amazed how quickly FN canned her. dh saying "Really? She made fried crispy cream donuts with eggs and bacon.....yum!!"? He must be hungry tonight! : )

I see your point, Melissa. I was thrown off a Vegan site because I questioned ther hatred for

meat eaters. Sure, I don´t eat meat, but eating meat is legal and it´s all a personal choice, and I believe in accepting peoples choices. The way they talked about meat eaters was just horrible, and I couldn´t accept it. Most of my friends are meat eaters and they are not horrible people.

Also, the insurance companies have tried to raise the insurance payments for overweight people. Actually, they have had several attempts and the latest thing now is that if you get sick and it can be related to being overweight of some sort, they can cut down on the payment to you, so yes, being overweight is being used against people and it seems it is getting more and more common.

Caucasian I am, but I grew up on the receiving end of awful racism...

...and mostly from Americans of African descent.

I went to Jr. High and High School at public schools with a majority percentage of enrollment being black students. I was harrassed, beaten, and called every derogatory racist name in the book on a daily basis by kids who used the n-word CONSTANTLY.

My sister had to be taken out of school and moved to a school that was more racially balanced, simply to escape the constant threat of beatings. Her crime? Red hair.

Both of us were raised to be respectful, kind and peaceful. We did not instigate any of the violence, but we sure suffered from it.

It took me YEARS to understand the genesis and the process that beat me to a pulp all those years. I still don't fully comprehend what happened to me. I got little-to-no-help, by the way, from the adults around me.

People who know me now, know that I'm not a racist. I do know about the reality of it, and how it feels to live under it.

I know what Melissa is saying, and I feel the same way. People need to calm down and understand that people, ALL people, are fallible and capable of being insensitive to others. The bigger person, in my view, extends grace to those who make mistakes, and those who insult others unintentionally should acknowledge and seek forgiveness, which, as I understand, is what Paula Deen did.

Has ANY ONE OF US not EVER had a RACIST thought, made a racist joke or prejudged someone based upon what we have experienced in life? Let that person throw the first STONE.


I am Ms Dean's age and was schooled in the deep south in the 60's, so

I might have a legitimate perspective on this situation.

I still have disturbing images of the way it was in SC back then. Blacks toiling in the heat while White "superiors" sat drinking lemonade, elderly black men crossing to the street before passing my 17 yr old self strolling down the sidewalk, white only drinking fountains, black waiters dressed as described by Ms Dean.

We tried to help. We tutored at all black orphanages. We joined groups like "project head start" and integrated churches, theaters, and libraries.

I now live in one of the more progressive of Southern cities. I see that things have changed remarkably for the better. So, when I hear that same old rhetoric coming from someone who has experiences from that era of time; it disappoints me greatly.
Especially from someone who has a National reputation.

I don't know what is in Paul Dean's heart, but an apology by someone who has so much to lose by not apologizing is suspect in my opinion.

I read more on the subject in the Chicago-Sun Times...

and there is more to this than first stated. She is also being sued for sexual harassment and something about pornography and her brother.


You say:

"Has ANY ONE OF US not EVER had a RACIST thought, made a racist joke or prejudged someone based upon what we have experienced in life? Let that person throw the first STONE."

Does anyone in here own a restaurant or two?
Does anyone in here have 2-3 shows on the Food Network, Cooking Channel, what have you?
Has anyone in here published several cooking books, etc?
Is anyone in here a public persona that is NOT in an "adults only" field? As far as I know, the network shows/books/restaurants are all family oriented...

People around the world watch her shows, read her books, travel to her restos - seriously, this is what example she sets? Fantastic. Let's let her off the hook, let's allow the entire world to know what we think is "acceptable"

Don't we have enough of this crap coming out of our politician's mouths and heads, that we need it from a cook, too?

So, what you're saying is we should be LESS TOLERANT of Paula because...

...she has had success in the entertainment industry, and more tolerant of the racists that beat on me for years? I guess it's more acceptable for the people who pounded on me because they didn't have a cooking show and etc.

I don't look to celebrities for my "example" on how to live. If someone else wants to, I would think they could find better role models than entertainers.

I'm finding plenty of things to be outraged about here, but I'm going to hold my tongue, as I'm sure it's falling on deaf ears.

Can I assume from your righteous anger that you are totally innocent? I bear the physical and psychological scars of racism. I'm sure you've had your share of it too, in one way or another. I see no need for more bloodlust.

