Bye Bye Paula Deen! FN show will not be renewed...

As Melissa stated, we need to read to read the plaintiff's side of the story as well,

but Paula's statement “I can’t, myself, determine what offends another person” sounds so self incriminating to me. That does not sound apologetic if in fact, she is guilty of the racial slurs - but rather, a "blanket" excuse.

I guess we'll have to wait for the final outcome.

Sandra, I know you to be a kind and caring person. You've demonstrated...

...that by lugging a tiny, stuffed teddy-bear all around London, much to the delight of my seven-year-old son (who graduated high school a couple of weeks ago, by the way). He'll never forget that, and when you bless the child, you bless the parents.

I just sense that this anger you have for Ms. Deen (someone I don't watch and don't know, since I don't have cable and rarely watch the Food Network thingie) is somehow fueled by something else, and runs contrary to what I know about you.

We've all fallen far short of perfect, and maybe Ms. Deen's failing is especially heinous to you, but we've ALL had our racist moments. I truly believe that. So I'm not going to speak against her even though I deplore racism. She seems to want to make amends, and I'm not going to immediately dismiss that.


I agree with Melissa. I dislike Paula Deen's whole attitude...

but I am quite surprised to hear that she is being sued for sexual harassment as everything I have heard (on the fly, not really interested in PD) has been about the N-word. She's not a person I want to know, especially if she thinks jokes are only funny if directed at a particular group, but all we need to do is not watch her show, and not buy her books. We don't have to be offensive in our turn.

And as a fat person, I agree with Melissa. Now I am not just fat, I am diseased. Maybe I should carry a bell and call out, 'unclean, unclean'.

No undercurrent....

Michael, with me it's WZZWYG - I don't have an undercurrent and I don't have an agenda, or a "journey" or a vendetta, what have you - I don't hold grudges.

I deplore ALL racism, those that beat up on you, those that beat up on minorities, those that beat up on immigrants, etc...

Maybe you don't watch her, and maybe you don't see her as a role model, but rest assured, many do - just look at the lines outside her restaurant yesterday and today. Read the Food network FB page, go on, do a little snooping...

She allowed family members (management) to view porno on Company computers and share it with staff, (sexual harassment!) she allowed discrimination, she allowed racism, all under the auspices of her reputation and that of her restaurant.

And let's not forget the diabetic drug debacle...

You want to give her a pass, go for it. I will not.

Oh and by the way, your signature caught my eye for the first time...

"Human liberty is about courage, dignity, eternal truths, and personal responsibility. Star Parker"

Do you think Ms. Deen lives up to that?

Celebrities and those with wealth are often targeted with lawsuits that end up...

...being more about attempts at extortion than actual fact.

I'm sensing not only a rush to judgment here, but also a joy in seeing PD taken down. It's palpable. There's precious little support for victims of racism that take place everyday, and a mob of millions with pitchforks and lanterns when something like this gets leaked to the media.

Let's see what the facts are, and if she has committed crimes then the justice system will hold her and her minions accountable.


I also don't see anyone asking the blood sugar level of Mario Batali or Lydia Bastianich.

while they cram all that pasta down (since diabetes is certainly more about carbs than fat,) or see Julia pilloried for using just as much butter, pork fat & cream as Paula.

I suspect the reaction would be a lot different if Bourdain was the accused too.

Okay, now this is effecting me because now I have tto scroll through all this crap.

I don't give a rat's ass about Paula Deen. She is flotsam. And if you think she is a role model...really? I don't know who those people are.
Let's move on to things that really matter, recipes people, recipes!

If the title of her blog refers to what is a common...

...derogatory term used by leftists and liberals to disparage a certain political group, then this person appears to be highly hypocritical when it comes to denouncing PD's alleged name-calling. Wouldn't you agree?


Naming your blog after a derogatory name for a political party and then chastising...

...someone for name-calling is simply hypocritical.

The blog name reference is disgusting and highly offensive.


"Bloom, look at me! Look at me Bloom! I'm wearing a cardboard belt!"

Max: "Here, take money. Buy bullets. Kill all the actors!
Leo: "Wait, you can't just kill them, they're not animals!"
Max: "Oh no? Have you ever EATEN with one!?"
