I hate "fileting" oranges or grapefruit. You know, taking the skin off the segments
I end up with juice everywhere and the segments in pieces. Is there an efficient way to do it? I just use unpeeled segments when I can get away with it.
Peel the whole orange down to the juicy part. Remove one segment with a small sharp knife. Then slide the knife under & close beside the next membrane until the sharp edge is down to the very center (pole) of the orange. Then sort of flick or slide it along the membrane of the next segment and it comes off cleanly in one piece. Keep doing this until you have done them all. The remainder (all the membranes) looks like a bunch of pages. Give that a squeeze to get all the juices.
I know this is hard to visualize, but give it a shot.
individual cloves that were all the same size. I think the name was "Music." Two had soft neck (braidable) and the other two had "hard neck." All were great flavor. He is only going to grow 2 kinds this year so I had to choose. (One was Music but the other I forgot!)
I'm with you on the stovetop. DH washes the pots, but now that my house is going on the market,
cleaning the stovetop is my biggest headache. It's a gas stovetop, the white glass kind with individual circles, not the newer kind. I will do better when I move!
Steve, I have a little gadget called e-z-rol garlic peeler, a rubber
thing that looks like a cannoli shell, cost $5 and goes in dishwasher. Garlic clove goes in, you roll with a little downward pressure, peeled clove comes out. Works every time.