Come on gang, let's don't let this idea die... It's my favorite part of the week! My Saturday Six

Hey Ang, does your casserole carrier have wooden dowels for handles?

A friend gave me one long ago, and it was made for a 9x13" pan. It's my favorite carrier - so useful!

No, this is a square, with fabric handles. It holds a round or square casserole.

It's hard to describe, but quite simple. two opposite corners of the quilted square have round brass rings sewn on the corner. then, the fabric handle ends are sewn onto the other 2 opposite corners. you place the casserole in the center of the square, then take the fabric handle and place it through first one ring, then over to the other, and draw it up. this brings all 4 corners together over the casserole and a nice loop of a handle for carrying. very hard to picture this, I know.

Well, (exaggerated drawl, here) -- our DQ is nothing special, except

that it IS the only one between San Antonio and College Station, if you don't count the one in San Marcos. But that depends on how you go. I love it that when you read "Bastrop" you thought of me!

It is a cute, cute blog. About the rainboots -- we (my gym buddies) have been talking about the big fashion statement in Austin -- lots of girls walking around in regular clothes and rubber boots -- even before the rains started. Maybe that's why she couldn't find them at Target!

I am seriously getting me some of those fun rain boots for fishing season. I will be laughed at and

maybe banned from the boat, but it will be such fun fishing attire! I hope we still have some. This blog writer is a stitch! I just love her writing. have you read about her daughter and hubby and hunting? or the college football games(golly, you all are serious about college football down South!!) I found her blog when she and some other bloggy friends spent a weekend at the Pioneerwoman's lodge. Anyway, yes, when I see Bastrop, I think of you.

that is the basic design---I just have brass rings for the short "straps". It actually fold up a

bit prettier than the picture, but it comes in handy to just haul a bowl over to a gathering---even something cold.

this would make a cute wedding shower gift, including a casserole and favorite recipe, even pasta

or dried beans inside the casserole. no need to wrap it in paper either---very "green".

Oh! and thanks to you, Ang -- I retrieved the apple peeler from the trunk of my car

and found that you CAN disengage the corer-slicer! Yea! Thanks!!

I have 2 of these thingamajigs, and I discovered that they work a bit differently. the one down

at the cabin has the peeler thing that kind of floats around the apple and conforms to the apple size changes, as the apple is pushed forward. This works much better at peeling than the other model I have where the peeler is stationary and I have to adjust the cutting for every apple. I think I need to take a closer look at that one. maybe I'm using it wrong.
