DawnMO??? You okay? Freezing rain just started here about 20 mins ago...

Hey Randi, we are fine on this end, I haven't heard from Gayle...

The storm pretty much stayed South of us and we didn't get any ice at all. They are predicting more tonight through tomorrow night. My friends are saying this one will hit us. I also found out that we have buried power lines so we shouldn't have any problems with downed lines.

My friend asked me if we had buried power lines, I said I had no idea. A long silence, Dawn, look around, do you see any power lines? Ummm, no. I am always learning something new about living in a rural area. LOL.

I'm here. Thx for checking in. It's still raining....

but don't think it's cold enough for it to freeze on the trees and lines. They are calling for it to continue so tonight will prove interesting.

As to the underground lines....I could be wrong, but just because your area has them doesn't mean you are totally safe from power outages. It depends on where your electricity comes from and if they are hit, I think. Not to be negative, but it could be miles away and still effect you. smileys/frown.gif

Just stay aware.

I'm ready for spring and it's not even Christmas, yet! LOL It may be a long winter....

I kind of figured that,

but at least if the power goes out, there will be just one set of lines to fix...I think. I went to the market today, and bought more water and some other supplies, so we should be set. Thanks again everyone for your advice and well wishes.

It's raining up here too, and rain in Dec is not a good thing up here. I have 6 batches of pnut

brittle to get us through if we lose power etc etc.

Good for you, Ang! Hey - are you close to Anchorage?

I have a net friend who lives there. Just curious. smileys/smile.gif

My DH would be in heaven with all that peanut brittle to eat! smileys/smile.gif I gave him a container of everything I make but he digs right in at first, then slows down as he gets a little tired of sweet stuff. He can eat a LOT of goodies!

I've been bagging and packaging up my goodies today getting ready to take to a party on Thurs night with all my lady friends at a local restaurant (that happens to be owned and operated by my cousin). This year's surprises will be fun to see them open!

Keep warm, friend!

A little later I looked outside and saw that I was wrong.....

There is a lot of ice on our trees! Much more than this morning. Yikes

I hope if we make it one more night without outages we'll be home free. On this front, anyway. smileys/smile.gif

I just put a big pot of cheesy asparagus soup on for dinner. I may try to bake cookies tonight. Got doughs made last night and put in fridge. Yippee


Did you look out the front window or the back window?

Like the Newfie who was told he left the blinkers on in his car...

"Oh, yes I did....oh, no I didn't....oh, yes I did."

In the Caribbean, we got used to asking people who phoned from Canada to find out about the weather when it was raining in the back and not the front...."where do you want us to look?"

Our weather is a bit iffy right now too. My turkey is thawing in the outside 'frig'. And I was out today, getting warm watering my herbs in the little plastic greenhouses.

I really have had too much sugar.

Anything else I can yammer on about??

this is really important, and I rarely see it listed on any preparedness list. We have one next to

our bed now. all our other phones are the cordless variety that require electricity to work. Sometimes even the cell phones won't work and the old fashioned corded phone is the lifeline.

Now I remember, Marg...

you were the one that suggested using the plastic containers that the spinach and baby greens come in to use as little greenhouses. I loved that idea and we used them this summer. Thanks!

((((((((Marge)))))))) thanks for the laugh!

You gave me a needed lift! I'm getting cabin fever, I think! smileys/smile.gif

you two keep coming back here as long as you have power, and, hopefully you always will. it was

very comforting when we were getting hammered, to come here and know you were all routing for us. and the entertainment value.... priceless... '-))

I'm afraid it's headed up Dawn's way....

That's what the local weather said at 5, anyway. I sure hate to hear that. The worst may be over for us, now. We'll just have to wait and see. One just never knows.

Yeah, it's fun to come and see y'all and read what you've been doing!

I'm so tired tonight I think I'll be in bed by 8. That's a record for me! smileys/smile.gif (it's 6:22 now)

Oh, that's neat! I'll have to ask Connie where she lives!

You guys could be neighbors! smileys/smile.gif

Thx, hunny!

You were sure right about that Gayle...

It's crazy out here. I woke up to the sound of a tree next to my bedroom window splitting in fours. No damage to the house though. They must have planted trees around our house with ice storms in mind. The trees on our driveway are bending down. I didn't know trees could bend that far. We have power and internet, but no satellite. My stepdaughter hasn't had power since 4am. It is amazingly beautiful. It sounds like a thunderstorm outside because of the trees and branches breaking. At Gayle's warning I am resisting the urge to walk around outside to survey the damage, falling trees and branches and such. I will check back later. I heard from Gayle this morning and she is okay. Thanks for all of your advice, because of it, we are well-stocked with water and other neccessities. Thanks you guys!

Shoot! I forgot about them. I bought various sizes this year but could have used those on my extra

parsley. Darn it. It's pretty well frozen now, and my mint died this week as well. (I meant that I bought various sizes of real greenhouses)

3 more months to go.............

I just got home from doing errands, Dawn...

You know how I told you all the ice had melted over night? Well, when I was in town the temp dropped 10 degrees in 10 minutes. Apparently another front is moving in pretty quickly. I heard there is snow and ice on the way but I haven't checked online yet.

I rushed home to get started on cookie baking!
I'll be here doing just that, the rest of the day. smileys/smile.gif

Glad you guys are still doing ok up KC way!

Real greenhouses as in buildings?

I want a real green house so bad, but it is on the bottom of the list of things we need around here. Lucky you!
