cheezz, your mom sounds like a twin to mine. I had a therapist tell me one time that frm her 25+ yrs
in practice, my mom was the 2nd most horrible mother she'd ever heard tales about. My mom got 2nd place only because there was never any physical abuse to us kids while growing up--but holy smokes, did she ever lay on the verbal & emotional zingers & abuse.
cheezz, I sure can relate to your saying how your mom let U know that you were never good enough, fast enough, etc. I was raised exactly like that. There was ALWAYS something wrong with me or the way I did things--mainly because I didn't run my life exactly like Mother had lived hers so her interpretation was that I was indirectly accusing her way of being wrong. Took a very good therapist to help me figure that one out!
I'll never forget once when I was about 20 and home from college. Mom walked by me sitting at the dining room table where I was studying and asked, "What's that on your neck?" "Oh, just some acne, Mom. It's that time of the month, you know." "Well, young lady, it sure looks like VD to me!" And she turned on her heel and left the room.
I must admit, though, that I wasn't singled out as she railed at my younger sister and brother just as much as she did with me. I cannot imagine how awful it must be to live a life like my mother's or like all these other people who are so negative and evil.
I spent a good many years in therapy because I was panicked I was going to turn out like my mom, but cheezz, you're absolutely right in that you can choose how you want to be as a person. My brother has the identical personality of my mom, but my sister is a wonderful person, and she & I are still close.
I always got along with my MIL much better than my own mother. She was a kind and loving woman. My husband's brother & 2 sisters & their spouses are also great people. They'll rib and kid one another, but it's always in fun, and we laugh a ton whenever we get together.
cheezz, I used to hunt from one end of town to another to find Mother's Day cards to send my mom that simply said, "Have a great Mother's Day" PERIOD--without all the sappy verses of appreciation! Am sure a few of you can understand that one.
Here's a story about a friend of mine--both her parents were nasty to her. Barb was a National Honor Scholarship finalist in high school. When she proudly shared that news with her folks, they both promptly said that her winning that award wasn't because she was smart, but rather only because she studied so much. Neither her mom nor her dad attended her high school graduation ceremony. Barb is one of the dearest people I know.
Well, sorry this is such a negative post but that is the way things were. I was truly relieved when my mom passed away at 87 about 3 years ago. I wasted a ton of energy in my life trying to please someone who could never be pleased with what I did or with whom I was as a person.
RE cooking--my mom was a good cook--the meat & potatoes variety--we lived on a farm--but she made all our bread and all our hamburger buns & hotdog buns. She made our butter--always put out a gigiantic garden. She taught me the basics of cooking & baking so I'm thankful for that. After I got married and moved 213 miles away from the farm, she'd come to visit and would enjoy helping me cook. I'd taken some cooking classes at a local culinary store here in town and learned a ton of new things and lots about ingredients I'd never been exposed to as a kid, and Mother would ask, "Why are you using fresh parsley (or thyme or oregno or whatever)? We never cooked that way on the farm!" "Why are you doing peeling potatoes like that? We never did it that way at home." "This recipe doesn't sound like it'll taste good at all." But then WHO WAS THE ONE who would ask for seconds right off the bat? Yep, my mom! She'd never admit that the recipe was any good after she'd tasted it, but she would always go back for more. Crazy, huh?
It's a rainy day here and a good day to journal. I remain in awe of two of my girlfriends who have told me their mothers are their best friends. I simply CANNOT imagine that, but maybe in my next life.....Smile!