Favorite "alternate use" for a kitchen tool?

grapefruit spoon to scoop out avocado - pastry blender to moosh it; pizza cutter for chopping herbs

I'm not proud of it, but I usually use a big jar of whatever's handy to pound meat. Then wash it. smileys/smile.gif

Not sure if it really counts for this post but my fave rolling pin used to be my sons bo.

As he got taller his bo got longer, so I cut off a length of his first one and it works amazingly well for pie crust.

I use the stab repeatedly with a scissors

and then throw it at Bubba with a look of frustration, and he opens it up for me. I hate plastic. The bane of my existence these days. Give me glass any old day. I will have to give the can opener a try some time. Thanks Pat. smileys/wink.gif
