Harry Potter Mania watch out, Julia Mania has taken over

Hi Michael....I'm okay with the melting part now. That's what comes with buying >> 60 pounds

of Belgium chocolate over the past seven years to play around with. I buy 5 kg (11 pound) blocks of Callebaut from qzina. Lovely to work with and now I have no hesitation trying new recipes that call for lots of chocolate. Can you say honkin' big pans of Outrageous Brownies?


I just had a realization travel up my typing fingertips into the stagnant pond called my "brain": I've gained "60 pounds" over the past 10 years.

60 pounds of extra dark chocolate....
60 pounds of extra Marilyn.

Correlational theory?
Cause and Effect?

Not a spoiler, but I just felt it was too short. Going to see it again as soon as it comes here.

This movie is a joy and Meryl Streep is a national treasure.

Why don't they just hand over the Academy Award when she appears in a film???

We went last week when it came out, we laughed, we giggled, we poked each other in the ribs when Meryl let loose with Childish (the language that Julia spoke), we cried. It was/is a joyous celebration of life. I can't wait for this one to come out on DVD because it is going to get a lot of play in this house (along with Julia's original "The French Chef" series).

And now, let's hear about our beginning of the fall dinner party season menus from Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

I'm planning mine now and am positively giddy at the posibilities.

And Marg, yes! I will FINALLY use that way too expensive French terrine mold that I bought at Dehellerin in Paris!

Pat, that was my disappointment in the movie as well.

I realize why they did it, since Julia and Paul had just moved to Cambridge (and they didn't explain that at all), but they had left FRANCE, but to have the movie just drift off like that at the end was a disappointment.

I think if they would have concluded with Julia on the set of the first television show, it would have been a triumph.

comment inside (don't read if you haven't seen the movie)

I just wish that they hadn't ended with Julia "hating" Julie -- not that I believe for a minute that she really did, but the resolution wasn't there. I think when Nan said it was "too short" she must have been feeling the void as well.

yeah, that was a bummer....

but from reading Julia's writings, and those about her, how she never did promotions for products because she never wanted to compromise herself, and how she was indeed from another generation, I was puzzled by that and did some research. The Julie blog (it's still up if you want to read it) is profane with lots of F--- this and that.

Julia's publisher brought it to her attention and discussed it with her and she was not pleased with that.

Yes, she didn't read the blog and have a grasp of the whole, but I think from what she was told, it was really repugnant for her. She hated people "using" her and was always on the watch for that.

That's why I think she said what she did--which was, condensed, "she isn't a serious cook, and she was disrespectful" That did not come out in the movie. We just heard the Julie actress saying "she hates me" which is not what Julia said.

And I totally agree. I didn't like the way that was handled. It wasn't a clean happy brush up to it.

Oh, please! Those scientific theories are all hogwash. The energy required to chop,

melt, dream, taste, mix, stir, and eat the chocolate uses up more calories than is contained in the chocolate itself.

It's all good.


was/is an opportunist. I'm 3/4 the way through reading the book, Julie & Julia and it's been a struggle. Julie is not a nice person (imho). She did the project to get attention and was successful at that. I think Julia would be aghast at the wasted effort and money preparing dishes which were thrown out after one bite. The best thing that came out of the project is that a new generation is being introduced to Julia Child.

Yes, exactly (read only if you have seen the movie)

I also had expected to see the movie end after behind-the-scenes at The French Chef. If I were Nora (wink, wink), I would have left off some of the cookbook development "triangle" to include a bit of more current Julia.

I, too, wanted the movie to be longer! I laughed, cried and can't wait to see it again! I'm going to be on the look out for big-chunks-of-meat to make boeuf bourguignon - I have the carrots, potatoes, onions and wine at the ready. Colleen

I have both Mastering books and The French Chef from the original TV programs

as well as Julia Child and Company 1&2. I find the Company books and French Chef easier to use but then I've been cooking for many, many years so the Mastering may be better for beginners. As much as I love her, Julia was not perfect; she tended to diss Italian Food and her risotto is a travesty-but I forgive her.

I have to echo your opinion, Sylvia

I haven't read the book but I did go back and check out Julie's original blog and the other blog, detailing her book and movie deal. I can understand how Julia would not appreciate her or her efforts. I think Nora was very kind to her character after reading what I could stomach.

I do hope that if a movie is ever made about me they are as kind to my character, as well smileys/smile.gif

I just made some and this time the white was a bit rubbery. I would think, if there are variables

and they won't always turn out perfect, I'll got back to the poacher you put in the pot with boiling water and steam them. those are almost always perfect.
