How to remove red wine from a carpet.....really works.

Mimi, will there be a link to the "Favorite recipes" forum on the toolbar?

Or should I creat a shortcut on my personal toolbar on my browser window?

Is it OK to cut and paste entire posts there, or do we need to stick to

recipe content only? I just C&P one of Richard In Cincy's posts with a recipe for pork tenderloin to the new area - I left the entire post intact as it gave a bit of background to his developing the recipe, and it was in the thread where he first posted his famous Potatoes.

I also posted a link the the archive where the recipe resides.

Is this OK, or should we stick to the recipes, no links? I don't want to bring any unwanted attention to this board.

Also, will there be a category for the recipes from the Group Project?

I think it's OK...

to copy/paste entire posts. Just not entire collections. Anyway, those are your recipes and while Epi reserves itself the right to re-publish the recipes you post, it does not actually claim copyright over them.

Yes, I will create one. I'm afraid to make any changes and confuse people, but...

The FK Recipe Swap link is actually supposed to go to the list of all the forums, and the "Index" link is supposed to take you back to the forum where you were posting/reading.

I am still thinking of a way to do this that won't confuse people.
