I have been wanting to ask this question for a long time ;-)


Well-known member
I keep seeing recipe after recipe posted on here for the most delicious cakes, and I literally have to close mye eyes sometimes because if not, I will print out the recipe and bake the cake!

I'm trying to keep a healthy diet and I make cakes for special occasions, but it's not easy being around you, let me tell you that. *LOL*

Then I see pictures posted on here from get togethers and such, and you are all normal!

I have been asking myself, HOW do you do it?

So please, spill your beans fellow bakers:

1) How many cakes/cookies/sweet breads/muffins etc do you bake a month?

2) How do you manage to keep the weight off?

Obviously this isn't directed at ME {{pats thighs}}... but it helps to have ONE piece

and give rest away to neighbors or take it to work.

I generally bake a couple dozen cookies and maybe a cake or pie in a month. Some months MUCH more, but only if it's for a function.

Me neither. LOL. My freezer is almost completely filled with leftover muffins, cake slices,

brownies, quick breads, cookies, etc. There are some other types of items in there, but mostly desserts. I bake whenever the spirit moves me, and according to how much more the freezer can hold without exploding!
I do the treadmill 5 times a week for about 30 minutes, so that probably keeps me from blowing up like a balloon!

I bake at least 3 to 5 times a month in the "off season", and much more, of course,...

...around the holidays.

I bake for birthdays, anniversaries and get-togethers. I bake for the boys' teachers and classmates. When they go to spend the night at a friends' house, I usually send a plate of cookies with them.

I bring coffee cakes to committee meetings at school and neighborhood functions. I love baking, and I love eating home-baked goods, but I don't go overboard. Being Type II diabetic, I can only have small portions, and I have to make sure I "buffer" the sweets with another food that is not sweet.

Plus, I do cardio, cardio and more cardio when I exercise (6 to 7 days/week). Usually between 45 minutes and an hour per session.

When I don't do the cardio, I balloon up! I was once over 300 pounds! I carried it fairly well, as I do have a big frame and have spent many years in the weight training gym. I am happy to report that I look good without a shirt (so says my dear wife), which was a major accomplishment!

When I am in good shape, I carry around 210 to 225 pounds.

You guys have seen this pic, but here goes:


I'm actually about 15 pounds lighter now than when this pic was taken. (That's my "winter coat"!).


and plantar fasciitis, arthritis in the hips-toes-hands, 2 compressed discs, and carpal tunnel -

in both wrists, prevents me from getting the workout I used to get *sigh*

Now see... you should have THAT pic as your icon... you're a much better looking guy smileys/smile.gif

Ha! I know what you mean! Cookies and brownies, yes, but I draw the line at cakes and muffins!

Eva, I bake very often, it is my passion. I bring lots of it to work and so does DH.

We have a very actively social neighborhood pool gang so I bring baked items at any time. And, like others here exercise a lot and still am far from thin. I usually get in 5 days a week, 3 of bootcamp and 2 more of running, weights and abs. I should be paid large sums of money for my body to be researched by the scientists, its intake necessities could stop world hunger--due to the very small amount of food needed to keep it going!!

Eva, I have wondered the same thing. As I get older, 5 extra lbs follow me around. I do without

the baked goods/desserts in order to make the main dishes I want and drink wine. My choice instead of desserts.

Eva, I only bake when I can....

bring the lion's share to work the next morning!

I love baking, but can not justify making things that we cannot consume without major amounts of guilt and weight gain!

So, I transfer all of same to the fine group of folks I slave away with in the salt mines!
(and they are most appreciative)

I've wondered that too

I love eating sweet things, but like Michael I must watch it too and I pay for it with feeling crappy when I don't. So usually that's motivation enough.

I don't really bake too often, maybe once or twice a month... not for lack of wanting to eat my work, but I'm not that successful at it. I find cooking is much more forgiving, which is good because I rarely go overboard with eating food that's actually good for me. :0)

It's a daily effort not to overdo on desserts, but I manage. I swim 3 times a week and do weight training the other 2. Weekends I usually don't do any "formal" exercise but am still pretty active. I feel best on the days that I swim, which if you knew me, is really quite bizzare. I used to hate the inside of the gym!

No Dawn, that's a stranger. I'm in line at Disneyland! The purple elbow...

...in the bottom right corner belongs to my youngest son.

Thanks for the compliment. I've gone through periods in my life where I was in tip top condition, and then I've fallen off the wagon and got myself into trouble. 306 pounds was a dark, dark neighborhood!


I love to bake and offer to make cakes for anyone and everyone. Recently I had 4 cakes in my ....

freezer together with about one dozen cupcakes.
Today I get to make a birthday cake for s-i-l and
will probably make something in the shape of a
