I need someone who can do the math (again) for me please.

oh Cyn darling, is the rotisserie still in one piece and the chicken done? inquiring minds need to

know that you and the house are ok smileys/smile.gif

It was wonderful, Dawn. The amount of batter was perfect. I topped it with a thin icing that I made

with some maple cream I had in the freezer since last spring and some toasted chopped pecans. Several people asked for the recipe and I will defintiely make it again.

You aren't the only one who is cake-challenged. One Easter I decided to

make a lamb cake, the 3D kind with two halves. Well, instead of clasping the 2 halves together and filling it halfway, I proceeded to fill EACH half halfway, and then stick them together with frosting once they were baked and leveled off.

It actually didn't turn out too bad and probably even took a shorter time to bake, which helped, but the next year, when I read the directions, I felt so dumb ;o)

This reminds me of Harimad's story...(i believe it was her...) She filled the inside

of the 3d lamb with raspberry jam, so when you cut into it, there was blood (ie jam). To this day, it makes me smile, silly, sick sense of humor! (I think it was her). Unfortunately, I can't track down the original post on Gails.
