I was just wondering what really wonderful foods come from you r areas. New Jersey is much maligned,


Well-known member
BUT you have to understand that we purposely lead you out of staters up the Turnpike past all the oil refineries and swamps, because we don't want you to get any ideas about moving into this already crowded state.-he said tongue in cheak.

You just can't beat Jersey tomatoes or our sweet corn in season. We produce much of the blueberries and cranberries that are marketed in the metro area. Jersey peaches are unique with a special tang that I don't find in others. We grow tons of vegetables and fruits---we are the Garden State you know.

And were're on the coast which teems with Bluefish, Fluke, Tuna, Black and Striped Bass.

We even have some pretty decent wineries.

Talk about cheese. Bobolink Farm makes some of the best raw milk cheeses I have ever tasted. Check out their website.Even that "No Reservations" guy sings its praises.

I'd love to know what great stuff is out there. Maybe I'll move.

salmon,halibut,crab,scallops,giant cabbage,rhubarb,raspberries,wild blueberries,muktuk

I had to stop and let a black bear cross the road this morning. It was headed to the main quarters

area of the Army Base. Should be an interesting morning for all the troops out on PT in the area.

I totally agree, Michael. I do not recommend moving to AZ.

Circumstances prevent us from moving back east, which I would do in a heartbeat if I could.

It won't matter, MIA, over time. When between 12 million (official estimate) and 45 million (better

estimate) people from one country enter another, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the country starts looking like Arizona.

I don't want to ruffle any feathers here, since this is a hot political issue, but I do want to say that I believe it is not about "race", but about "reality". The reality is that my neighborhood is looking a lot like Guadalajara these days, and no one has the guts to address it "head on", except Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And they're gonna crucify him for it.


The area around Yuma teams up with the southern California growers to supply ...

...most of the winter vegetables to the rest of the USA.

We also grow tons of citrus and varietal chiles.


HOW RIGHT YOU ARE MICHAEL, it's an infestation and I am so tired of it. Where else can they steal

into the country then have the gall to demand, not ask... but demand we disregard the law and not only allow them to stay here but allow them to crowd our emergency rooms. (I was in the ER 2 wks ago with a severe ear infection (still haven't regained hearing in my left ear and I know it's due to the delay of treatment) and had to wait an additional 3 hrs due to all the illegal aliens there AND I was in North Phoenix too) And if we arrest them (for their illegal presence in any form) we are called racists .... HA... that is ridiculous they all but ruined Pruitt's Furniture Store by picketing and not to say all the accidents they caused due to loitering in streets to get a job. I BACK SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO 10000% ..

I wouldn't go so far as to use the word "infestation", as these are people, not insects or rodents.

They are God's creation and, for the most part, they only seek opportunity. Of course there is the criminal element coming across, but there is that element in any segment of the population, legal or illegal.

I have absolutely no problem with people from other countries coming here *legally*. I married one! My mother was also a naturalized citizen. Part of my resentment is the fact that by blood or by marriage, I have many relatives on two different continents who would love to live and work here. They could get visa's to fly into mexico, and then cross into the US illegally. They choose NOT to do this. They respect our laws and do not wish to violate them or live outside of the law. There is enough lawlessness in the Third World, and they know what type of misery that brings, firsthand.

Simply put, I get very irritated when people cut in line in front of me, just because they have the desire to do so, and don't value order, or care about the needs of others. And, I DO speak up.


PA - Home of the Mushroom Capital of the World in Kennett Square, world famous Philly cheesesteak,

scrapple, Amish pretzels and shoo-fly pie!

Historic Kennett Square

Okay, but it feels like one ~ I believe all people should have a chance but

legally ~ I do not begrudge any one who wants to come here ~ I do have an issue to raise when it is illegal (breaking the laws because I go out of my way NOT TO) and it costs $$$$ from taxpayers to enforce the law with additional personnel because the problem has gotten so out of hand. Applying for citizenship is a first step and there are many people to assist anyone for legalization and are eager to do so. I believe its improper to demand we look the other way and not enforce the laws. I used the wrong word of infestation though to be polite our neighborhoods are overflowing with illegal aliens.

As part of a school project 2yrs ago I assisted in writing a Federal Grant for the Palomino District a Weed & Seed program and there were such a need for assistance ~ We spent extreme time getting to know the residents and hear their desires for a better neighborhood (majority of residents are illegals and come from Mexico, and Veit Nam)they were sincere for change and most were law abiding accept they were illegal and they embrased the law but they were petrified of going "home" and I felt so much for them I spent my entire summer of 2006 writing the Federal Grant (sadly we lost it went to Texas). I believe most illegal's want to be law abiding but they did what it took to better support their families.
