So do I. I had Fred and his brother since 1995. Some friends were moving to
were moving to Singapore and they gave them to me. His brother had hatched them from eggs. At that time they were 22 years old. I had the 2 brothers ever since. A few years ago they started getting more and more agressive with each other (flipping each other over). Each year it got worse and I finally had to break down and find a home for the other one. It broke my heart but it was best for them. I guess they were sexually maturing and wanted to hurt each other. Anyway he is alot on fun and a great pet (he sleeps half the year).
you interact with Fred? I've never experience turtles as pets before. But I know from experience that animals that people don't normally think of as "pets" can be quite affectionate and companionable.
That reminds me of a funny story about my German Shepherd Fricka. She hated flying things: bees, flies, whatever, and she would snatch them and kill them. She used to stalk my flower gardens, sitting in ambush with this silly look on her face as if she were thinking "hehhe, they won't know I'm here..."
Pat, I think you're copying the wrong link. I think it's the "Direct" link line
you need to copy and then paste into "Image URL" at the bottom of the reply section. you can go in and keep editing, using the different links in photobucket until you hit on the correct one. I have to do this all the time---can't ever remember the right one to use on the first try.
They are rescues -- litter brothers that climbed into my husband's truck
on the banks of the Shenandoah while he was fishing. Skinny little kittens dropped off by someone who couldn't - wouldn't care for them. They hunkered waaaay back under the rear seats where he couldn't reach them, and, of course, once home......