ISO: ISO: Mimi! I do hereby request a name change to

In Search Of:


Well-known member
FloriSandy from my former handle, Sandy_in_Philly. I just flew down here last night for GOOD but I need to justify my being here as a permanent resident of the 'Sunshine State' .... - not easy right now... Mimi, won't you please help me through my emotional transition and rename me FloriSandy?? - LOL

Thanks in advance Mimi!!

Okay but...

Just remember that next time you log in, you have to use the new username, otherwise it won't let you in.

Welcome FloriSandy! 51 degrees?! I'm off to put on the one pair of sweat

pants and sweat shirt I own. Burrrrrr

at least you're not living 700 miles north of nowhere.


Thank you Orchid. I've been out in the lanai most of the day in a sweatshirt! Not exactly

a warm welcome from the sunshine state!
