ISO: ISO: Mimi! I do hereby request a name change to

In Search Of:
Yes I am Marianne! I'm on the gulf side near Bradenton. The beach isn't too far and I can't

wait until the weather improves! Thanks for the welcome. Where are you Marianne?

This is the difference between Florida and ...well, the rest of the U.S.

We don't have fireplaces in S. Fl. :0( But.....our houses are built of cement block. Yea! Great for keeping them cool in the hot weather and, the winter. OK, you can't have perfect. I hate cold weather! And Sandi, if you ever come West towards Ft. Lauderdale I'll make you a great and fun meal. ;0)

Yes, the architecture is with an eye toward withstanding hurricanes, I'd imagine.

And the coolness factor in the summer certainly helps!

I'd trade a fireplace for a lanai! smileys/smile.gif

Lol, you should see the beautiful lanais they build here complete with fireplace & outdoor kitchens.

What with the housing bust, not a lot of that going on right now. And I can't tell you how hard those outdoor kitchens are to keep clean.

No, I don't have one here, but did in a previous Florida house. The problem was

the cabinets weren't made for outdoor use. It wasn't under enough cover and occasionally got wet, plus I'm big on hosing down the lanai to clean it. Anyway, it seemed that kitchen was always dirty from debri from oak trees, dust, etc and I wouldn't have kept anything in the cabinets as it would have had to be washed before using. Basically, we used it to store pool gear, etc and used our stand alone gas grill for cooking. Perhaps if one lived on the water without oak trees, etc, it would stay cleaner, but it has no attraction for me. However, I've drooled over those huge outdoor fireplaces they've started building into lanai's in the last few years.

I'm not sure of the definition. Here it's usually screened. Sometimes just the part under roof and

sometimes the screen extends to cover the entire pool area. The prettiest lanai with fire place I've seen was in a model home. The fireplace was built into a wall on one side, along with an outdoor kitchen with built-in grill, etc. The fireplace was massive, made of stone and really pretty.

Of course, the more walls you have on a lanai, the hotter it gets in the summer.

I remember looking at houses in Scottsdale in the 80's that had pools, I just can't remember if the pools were screened? Perhaps you don't have the mosquito problem there we have here during the summer.

It's too dry in the summer for mosquitos to be a huge problem. We get them... the spring and fall, but not nearly like California, the mid-west or the south.


Summer??? How about all year long? I lived in FL for 7 years, and got mosquito bites all year long,

and man, were those mosquitoes fierce! They were the worst bites I'd ever gotten in my entire life!!!
