Looking for a recipe site that has healthy, low cal foods and shows portion size by weight.

Ah, I have wondered about the link to insomnia and weight gain

I have had insomnia for years, mostly because of pain, but I don't eat all night like they say, just not enough sleep.

Those "how I lost weight" anecdotes make me so mad because I'm not eating 5 cartons of ice cream, packets of cookies etc like the people who lost weight by modifying the diet.

I discovered the 3-meal-a-day link when I was sleeping well. It's just now that I have rarely slept

more than 3 hours a night in the last 6 years, that I just can't get up for breakfast any longer. ANd my recent weight gain just REconfirmed this theory.

Rx Latisse made my lashes longer

it's suppose to work on eyebrows too, but I've always had super thin eyebrows and it didn't work for me - maybe b/c there were no hair there to begin with.

((((Cyn))) I don't have a website to refer you, but I do want to say I can sympathize!

And I know you didn't ask, but I would try not to get too frustrated with your weight loss situation until you get your thyroid levels stabilized, for two reasons: The levels being out of whack could be interfering with your progress, and going too low in kcal intake will interfere with getting enough nutrition and can also affect your weight loss progress and general feeling of wellness.

I think you are on the right track with wanting to get a better idea of portion size, I have struggled most of my adult life with weight control, and that was one of the things that helped me be able to make different choices about what I choose to eat. I have a chart of portion sizes of foods and refer to it when I am unsure of something - but it typically uses volume instead of weight. Easier for me to eyeball, and easier for me to remember.

Other things that have helped me be successful in weight control (I have maintained a weight loss of appx 30% of initial body weight for about 2 years by doing this):

- I eat "regular" food - no artificial sweeteners, and full-fat foods vs low-fat or non-fat. This has been a key for me - your body needs a certain amount of a variety of naturally occurring fats to function in a healthy way.

- I weigh myself daily. It initially helped me to see how certain foods affected my body, and now it helps me stay on track and not go too far astray from where I want to be. It does fluctuate, but I keep try to stay within a 5 lb window, and it has worked well for me. Doing this helped me see that I do have to watch how much white bread/baked goods and sweets I eat.

- Don't go too low on kcal intake, in addition to getting enough nutritionally, I've found that if I go too low, I end up eating more later to "make up" for what I'm missing. Your body will also become more efficient, and will stop using so many kcals, unless you also change your activity level. Finally, too low of kcals per day will eventually make you feel "icky" in it's own way.

- I don't make any foods completely off-limits. For me, this always ended up causing me to crave things. If I know I can have some of "whatever", I tend to not think about it so much.

I hope you are feeling better soon!

My personal experience is that insomnia & not eating enough definitely interfere with weight control

I think your body goes through certain maintenance and repair cycles during sleep, and if you don't sleep for a long enough period of time, it can interfere with this functioning.

Our bodies are pretty smart. I've also read that once the body starts to realize that it is not

being nourished on a regular basis, it begins to store food on the basis of necessity. ANd then we get chunky.

Thanks to all! I've found that just protein in the morning keeps me going for

most of the day. I've never taken a multi vit either but I've started doing that.

Yay (((Cyn)))) Yep - I neglected to mention that two eggs in the morning are my "magic" breakfast

the only thing that keeps me going without becoming hungry an hour later.

I like to have them scrambled, either with just a bit of sald, or with some salsa or sriracha mixed into it. Or - hard boiled, peeled, and chopped finely with a little butter and salt.

Have you actually noticed a difference after taking them? I bought some from Costco

and they are sitting in the cupboard because I didn't think to check first to see how large the pills were.

If you noticed a difference, it might compel me to give them a try. smileys/smile.gif My nails are OK, but would love to see a difference in my hair.
